
Will bending over more in golf lead to a more inside out swing plane?

by Guest58442  |  earlier

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I've recently developed a double cross in my swing its going left of target than curving back to center (if im lucky)...i want to hit a shot with more of a draw to it....but im having a huge problem with going outside in...any tips on promoting a more of inside out swing plane?




  1. The best way to promote an inside out swing is by starting the downswing with a lateral weightshift to the left side. This allows the left arm to pull the club on a downward motion "into the slot". Maintain your wrist c**k until the moment of impact and release the club into the back inside quadrant of the ball.

    A good tip that I used when learning was to take a pencil and put it under your right underarm. If the pencil falls out you are not keeping the right elbow tucked into your body.

  2. Bending over will lead to a steeper swing plane more than anything else.

    One way to get a more in to out swing is to drop your right elbow in close to your rib-cage at the start of your down swing (have a look at how much Sergio's hands drop on the way down). By getting the hands in close (pulling the right elbow in), this forces you to swing from inside to out. Make sure you extend your hands on the same plane until well past your front-side, otherwise you will still come across the line and slice or fade.

  3. Assuming you're right-handed, the best and easiest way I know of to promote an "inside-out" swing is to keep your RIGHT elbow tucked in during your backswing and keep it close to your body on your downswing.  Remember to initiate your downswing with your hips first.

    THAT will promote an inside-out swing; BUT doesn't guarantee a draw, unless your clubface is SQUARE to your target at point of impact.  That creates a spin (right-to-left) on the ball that makes it "draw"; i.e. ball goes out to the RIGHT and draws LEFT toward target.

    Flattening out your swing promotes a more drastic draw or fade; keeps the ball flight trajectory lower (assuming you hit the ball at center of clubface).

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