
Will big bang will happen again ?

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I am an amateur astronomist if there is such a thing. I have a theory and I want to know what you think about it. Now everything is a theory with astronomy and you cannot discredit any one of these theories until its proven.

We know big bang, We know the universe is expanding, We know of the theory of everything contracting back. now my question is dont you think big bang is a repeating thing. Think about it, planet pulls other planet thru gravity, galaxy pulls other galaxies towards each other, black holes combines with other black holes, together whats happening is its making a solid stronger gravitational pull which eventually will make enough gravity to stop everything from expanding and start contracting to the same point where big bang will start again ?

think about it and whats your thought on these ?




  1. This theory is actually a generally-accepted, credible theory in cosmology, called the "closed universe". In it, a Big Bang creates a universe, which expands until the gravitational pull of matter within it slows it down and reverses it, causing a "Big Crunch", which may rebound into another Big Bang, starting the process anew. At the moment, it appears that the universe may expand indefinitely into the future, until all matter is so spread out that no new stars can form (the so-called Heat Death of the universe). However, the Big Crunch scenario remains possible, and a credible idea of the end of time and space as we know it billions or trillions of years from now.

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