
Will birth control become illegal in a Palin Presidency?

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(after 72 year old half-dead McCain is no longer around)




  1. What? No, it won't. That would be the craziest thing ever. I think people would start serious riots if stuff like that happened. That, or if they made alcohol illegal again.

    but seriously, that's never going to happen.  

  2. Your name fits you so well  

  3. No but i hope that she is giving some to her offense

  4. Biden is a Catholic, maybe you ought to ask about him if he becomes president. ( by the wildest stretch of the imagination)

  5. NO!  The people will not put up with that!

  6. Laws are created by Congress. Ask Nancy Pelosi.

  7. Don't know, but evidently it's not too popular in the Palin household.

  8. No.  And you'll still be able to kill off as many babies as you want.

  9.   Yes, she is so superior that Congress and the American people will just role over and give her what she wants. Get real and quit hyping stupidity that will never happen, Fear-mongerer!

  10. How stupid are you? Oh yeah, look at your name.

    sarah Palin has been a long time member of Feminists For Life, a group that supports contraception.  

  11. no yes no

  12. McCain lost my vote when he selected Palin.  More for her lifelong membership in the NRA than for her stance on birth control.  I think she needs to step back to her family and spend more time with her children.  They need her!!

  13. A woman's right to choose ( legal and safe abortion) will be in the hands of the Supreme Court, which is appointed by the President.

    3 SC Justices will be leaving at the beginning of next year, just about the time the new Prez takes office.  If there is a Republican in the White House, the Justices appointed will more than likely lean Right and start the ball rolling to make abortion illegal. This would include pregnancies resulting rape and incest.

  14. she isn't against birth control. she's against abortion. very different, dude!

    nice rant

  15. You really are Hero of the Stupid.

  16. no she won't have any real power... she can only make suggestions

  17. My best answer would result in a loss of account privileges.

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