
Will both a- negative blood types have problem conceiving?

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I know there'll be a problem if shes a- and his a+

I heard that there isn't a problem if shes a+ and his a-

but what about if they're both a -




  1. No problem. The plus is for a blood group called rhesus factor. If your baby is Rh+ and you are Rh- your immune system can attack the fetus as if it was an infection. SInce both partners are Rh- the fetus can't be Rh+ so there is nothing to worry about.

  2. A- isn't a problem at all, it is O- that has the problem if getting with someone with a + any blood type.  If you are A- then that will not affect getting pregnant or staying pregnant.  

  3. I am also a neg blood type and at 28 weeks pregnant the woman will have to have a shot of Rhogam.

    And then another shot after giving birth.  

    There is no problem conceiving but without the shot there is a danger to the baby since the Mothers negative blood type will attack the babies positive blood type.

    Before Rhogam was invented many babies died when Mothers had negative blood type.

  4. The real problem is when the baby is the opposite of the mother.

    The first pregnancy will be fine, because it would be the first time the mothers blood is mixed with other blood so there would be no antigen against it.

    The real problem is in the second pregnancy because by then the body will have memory cells that will tell it to get rid of the "infection".  

    Luckily, she can get the rhogam vaccine after giving birth to her first baby and it should prevent this problem from happening.

    If you need any more explaining, I'll be more than happy to help.

  5. I am not sure about a -. You can always call a doctors office and ask. I know if they are one or the other, the women is asked to get a Rog-am shot. It can cause a lot of problems if she doesn't get it. It can be a lose lose situation. If they don't get it the women's cells will try to kill off the baby, thinking it's bad. If they do get it there is a chance that the baby can be born with problems. If she is asked to get it, do research

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