
Will boxing make me ugly?

by  |  earlier

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I decided to start compeating in local boxing tournaments and my dad keeps discouraging me because he says that boxing will s***w up my face. He also tells me that it will eventually kill my brain.

I know boxing it's somewhat harmful, but I think my dad is exagerating.




  1. if u dont get hit in the face or are decently good you should be fine

  2. He is exaggerating, somewhat.. if you really care about looks then don't do boxing since you're gonna get punched ore in the face than in any other sport. You can get cauliflower ears from getting hit to hard in the ear which looks nasty as h**l not as common on boxing tho. You can dislocate your nose, jaw and hurt your neck too, and my personal favorite which is not as bad but its annoying is getting the glove to rub on your eye, I need to start closing my eyes more often.

  3. not ugly.but much different!! some people like that look and some dont.....if you want to see pics of me just email me,iv been boxing for 10 me,i would know this

  4. okay dude a mans face is supposed to have cuts and scraps on it , you gotta ask your self are you trying to be a fighter , or win a beauty padgent. WOmen love fighters , if thats what your worried about , and besides , Boxing is gonna give you a cut rock like body , and boxing is the best exersise for the abs if you as me and ladies love the abs. And besides knowing how to throw them hands , gets you respect from other men , and gives your girl a sense of saftey , and knows you can protect her. And chicks dig that more than some  zoolander pretty boy who cant fight his way out of a paper bag.

  5. it will a little bit but not that nose has been dislocated 3 or 5 times so its kinda crooked but it looks kool...kus ppl say i look like a fighter...also below my eyes it got kinda swollen...permanently but like i said...its not like ur not gona hook up with girls...if thats why u kare about ur face...i hook up with girls all the time because u know...everybody loves a boxer...

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