
Will brett retire a packer

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i no hes going to the jets but will he do wat jerry rice did to retire in san franscio and with the hall of fame would brett be considered a pack or jet




  1. He will play for Jets

  2. as a jet

    J E T S

  3. I doubt it.  I think he burned a few bridges in Green Bay.

  4. He will ALWAYS be considered a Packer, no doubt about it.  Even if he somehow wins a Superbowl with the Jets.

    Just like Rice and Montana are 49ers and Emmitt Smith is a Cowboy.

    All I have to say: Packers SCREWED up big time.

  5. Packer.  Once he calms down, he'll realize that is where he should be remembered for.

  6. He is going to be a Jet. Reports are already saying that Green Bay is sending him to NY. Taking Brett's age into consideration you have to figure he won't be playing for to much longer. It's highly doubtful that Green Bay will bring him back "just so he can retire a packer". Brett made Green Bay, it's a shame that it's come down to this.

  7. officially he will because when he retire again they will sign him to a one day contract

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