
Will car dealerships take credit card for the purchase of a new car?

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I am planning on getting a 'zero interest for one year' Credit card and using it to purchase a new car. I would like to charge $10,000, and then pay the rest in cash. Then, I'd pay off the $10,000 I owe on the credit card prior to the end of the introductory offer (yes, I will be able to make sure to pay it off so I don't end up having to pay finance charges/interest/etc). My question is will dealerships accept credit card as a form of payment?




  1. Most dealerships have limits as to what can be charged to a credit card. However, if you ask first an exception can usually be made.  

  2. yes.

    Most dealerships will take any form of payment as long as you PAY. They don't care where the money comes from.

  3. Oh yeah-they will do that. But you better get in touch with the credit card company first and let them know what is up. Alot of times a card will have a set amount for single purchases in case the card has fallen into the wrong hands.

    Just make certain you stick by what you are saying and pay that card off during its zero intrest term, because if you dont they will go back and tack interest on from the past 12 months at a high rate and really sock it to you.  

  4. Assuming you can get a credit card with a $10,000 limit (or higher), there's no reason you can't.  Make sure you pay it off though before interest kicks in or it's going to be expensive financing.  Also, don't be late with any payment.  Most of them have a clause that zero interest ends if you are in default, and that would include going over your credit limit or being late with a payment.  

    Read the tiny print.

  5. I don't see why not? Try asking.

  6. the dealership is interested in selling a car. If the credit card company will send them 10,000 dolars then they have no hassle.

    If you run into a problem with a certain dealer it is most likely they are interested in selling you thru a finance company because they DO get a fee for this  OR they are not ''hooked up'' with your credit card company.

    The answer is simple. Just go to a dealer who can.

    Remember that money has no conscience. And salesmen are whores.

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