
Will cats and dogs get along easier when they are young?

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Will cats and dogs get along easier when they are young?




  1. i have had all sorts of cats and dogs of all different ages all of my life and they have always been fine with each other.

  2. if u start putting them together they will get along really well for a long long time i had 4 dogs and 1 cat and they got along really well

  3. yes they should  

  4. Not necessarily. I have 6 cats. My friend has 5 Scottish terriers.She comes to visit and brings the dogs. My cats and her dogs get along

    fine (although it is hilarious to see them all hunkered down in the

    livingroom while we have coffee!  The cats and dogs were all adults when they met. Her dogs had been around other cats my cats had never been around dogs. One cat is a bit frightened of them so he

    sits on the back of the couch and watches but he doesn;t run

    away. One of the cats who is about 3 years old knows when they are coming and when I open the door he stands at the door and greets

    each one with a nose touch and then when they are all in he goes around and rubs up against all of them one by one. Then he settles

    down beside them and sleeps with them. My friend also pet sits and sometimes has other dogs with her larger dogs. They come in with the terriors and there is no problem either. I think it really depends on the personalities and also the way the owners handle the situation.

  5. Yes! Especially lf you introduce them at like six weeks.  

  6. if you get them young and train them good then yes

  7. Yes! It is better if they grow up together.

  8. Yes. . ..  

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