
Will chewing tobacco kill my chickens?

by Guest59228  |  earlier

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so we have 40 chickens in a big pen and my sis brought her stupid ex-bf over,and he was chewing,he took it out of his mouth and threw it into our chicken pen (I yelled at him and he says it was an accident but I don't believe it),they ate it because they trust people cause we have never hurt them,so do you think it will hurt them? if so there is really nothing we can do but I'm worried...they didn't eat much because there were about 5-7 who got it,but I don't know.....




  1. no, they Will be fine just don't let them get addicted he he


    they could choke on it for one thing...

    anything can kill an animal that is allergic to it...

    it wasnt an accident, it wasnt intentionall, it was just sloppy and stupid..

    anyhow I hope you enjoy my chicken link...

  3. I don't think a little bit will kill them but if it's a constant thing it will.  Why is your sister bringing her ex over?  He sounds like a jerk and she needs to get rid of him completely.

  4. Teach them to spit and they'll be just fine!

  5. I don't think it will hurt them.  

      I think it is a wives tale that to get rid of worms in dogs you are suppose to give them chewing tobacco and if that is true,maybe it will be of a medicinal sort for your chickens and will rid them of internal parasites should they have some otherwise I would suppose it would only work as a laxative and will probably just run right through them.

       Chickens are pretty smart when it comes to things they shouldn't eat so I wouldn't worry.

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