
Will chickens take a bath if it is really hot?

by  |  earlier

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I just got my first two and they are in a pen in the open garage and it is pretty hot today. If I put a pan of water in, will they take a dip?




  1. NO; they like dust baths.

  2. i dont think they will im not completely sure though

  3. no

  4. Chickens prefer dust baths to water baths.They will let you mist them with a spray bottle or put the hose on a light mist.Mine seem to enjoy that but they dont enjoy getting totally wet.

  5. hello =)

    Yeah it's hot today even in Ireland for once :O lol

    anyway to answer your question NO they won't take a bath in the water ... they will only DRINK it...

    btw fresh, clean water must be available at ALL times .....

    Chickens prefer to dust bath, that's what mine have been doing all day ...... i have one of those kiddy shell pool things filledw ith bone dry sand ... and they LOVE IT keeps them cool

    perhaps put some sand in your run? even in a small pan would do =)

  6. Chickens take "dirt baths" but not to cool off but as a means of relieveing themselfs or preventing parasites.

       When hot,chickens will lay their wings out away from their bodies and you may even see them "panting" with their beaks open.

       Spray misting them isn't an answer either because for the most part,chickens don't like getting wet PERIOD!

      Provide shade and plenty of fresh water and this is the best you can do for them. . . . in the wild on their own they manage through all phases of weather. . . hot or cold.

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