
Will chlorine water destroy a bike?

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wanted to make a foam pit jump in with my bike, but obviously thats too much money, so i wondered if chlorine would destroy my bike.. anyone?






  1. Ugh....don't do it unless you use a $10 - $20 bike from a garage sale or something.  Chlorine will super-accelerate rust and corrosion on your bike.  All water is rough on bikes and the moving parts and even lake water is tough because of the silt.   And don't believe the comment about "if you're quick it'll be ok."   Any time you submerge your bike you're looking at an INSTANT complete rebuild of everthing.....everything.  It doesn't matter if you have sealed bearings, they'll be wet and the grease will be contaminated.  So will the insides of the cable housing.

    So get a beater bike that you absolutely don't care about or have any money invested in.  And then have fun....lake jumping is fun!  Be sure to separate from the bike, though!   :o)

    Also, something to think about is the pool filter.  Since there aren't any chlorinated lakes that I know of, I'm assuming you'd be using a swimming pool.  Whoever maintains that pool is going to want to KILL you when they have to deal with the ph testing of the water and see the congealed grease in the filters.  Major pain in the butt and it could be a little expensive.

  2. If it sits in it for awhile.

  3. I see what your getting at...

    well, if the bike gets dried off VERY quickly you should not have any problems, but it it is risky your headset or something internal like your bottom bracket may not dry and possibly will rust.  i have always wanted to jump into a pool, but the lifeguard in my neighborhood is a jerk and wont let me and i also do not want to s***w up my bike...

  4. Water coming into contact with any metal creates rust and corrosion- whether it's chlorinated water is irrelevant.

  5. Any water would rust the bike.

  6. Don't do this.  You'll ruin your bike, and you might also hurt yourself bigtime.

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