
Will chlorine(swimming pool) change my hair color?

by Guest60415  |  earlier

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I dyed my hair last year in october (for the last time) and I was wondering whether after this long time, chlorine will change my hair color




  1. yes i can effect your hair colour but shouldn't effect it to much as it has been over a long period of time.... hope this helps

  2. It can if you stay in it long enough or don't wash correctly.

  3. It can.

    I have a friend who used to have very nice skater brown wavy hair..

    He has been one the swim team for a very long time. Now his hair is a pretty light blonde and frizzy

  4. The clorine will make a little change in the color of your hair. If your in the pool for a long time maybe your roots will change to your natural hair color. I would recomend you die your hair every 6-8 months.

  5. Yes the chlorine will change the color of your hair. It also depends on how much chlorine is in the pool, if there is a lot of chlorine your hair color will change faster than if there is not much chlorine. It also depends on how much and how long you swim in the water for.

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