
Will chrysler repossess??

by  |  earlier

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im 2 months behind, tried to talk to them . some obnoxious person demanded i send money that day western union or they would repossess.ive been late before but always catch up. the trucck loan is upside down by 12 thousand from a bad trade in.what do you think ? do they want the truck ?




  1. Send them a payment of some sort.  Your credit report is taking a major hit for every 30 days past due you are.  A repo will hose you even worse.

    Next time you call in, ask for an account manager.  Don't talk to the peons, they get off on the power kick.

  2. Yes.....they'll repossess and it doesn't matter if you're two months behind or not...once they set it in motion...repo is on the way...been there, done that....was upside down on my loan too, but..they don't want the truck, they want the MONEY...They got my Jeep gladly and I don't miss them or my payments!!

  3. They will reposses if you don't pay. However, there usually is a balance due that your responsible for. If you decide not to pay because of a high loan with nothing to show for it they could put a lien on you if you own property. I was there once. However, I had a lease, so the company was able to sell the car ( chevy cobalt) for what they wanted. Nothing owed.

  4. 3 months of no payment is 99% of the time automaticlly going to get your car repo'd.

    Don't be late this month!

    As for if they want it, not really. but they will take it, sell it at auction and bill you the remaining balance. yes it will destroy your credit. repo's are probably the worst things you could have on your credit (aside from bankruptcy)

  5. No, they want their money.  But if you won't give them the money you owe them, they'll take the truck.

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