
Will climate change force deep social and economic change - or merely drive more deadly competition?

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Ten pc of global population now owns 85pc of the global economic wealth (UN) at the expense of Earth's finite resources and life support systems. The rich grow richer; the poor poorer, and population is growing exponentially (it has more than doubled in my own lifetime. and still growing). Will we choose change, or have it forced upon us, one way or the other?




  1. Since the climate change will make some places  capable of supporting more people and others less, it will produce migration of people  which will have profound effect on societies around the world. We will see more civil unrest and even civil wars as a result as well as competition for jobs.You have only to look and  the anti immigration feeling in the US to see the future.

  2. Some things we will choose.

    If gas gets really expensive, people voluntarilly change their lifestyles. They might use more public transportation or buy a more efficient car. If food gets more expensive, people may grow their own if they can. If electric cars and solar panels can help people save money, that's what they will buy. If the cost of raising a child increases, many may choose to have fewer children...or none at all. Economics will lead voluntary change.

    Some things will be forced upon us.

    If a law is passed that bans fossil fuels, people will have to change their lifestyles whether they like it or not. If it's illegal to have a second child, the population won't grow exponentially. If taxes are raised on the rich and lowered for the poor, then the gap should close a little. Politics will lead involuntary change.  

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