
Will college credits help me out?

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I'm possibly enlisting in the army national guard. Im a high Scool graudate with 10 or 12 college credits. Would this help me out any? Would I be entitled to any bonuses?




  1. wow, I guess Navy Sailer is so perfect she's never had a typo! Hmm, anyway, listen to the recruiter... I'm guessing he has the most updated info.

  2. Unfortunately, no.  While you don't need 2 years worth of credits you do need at least 20 semester hours to qualify you for E-2.  Then 45 semester hours would net you E-3.  You need to check into the Stripes for Bonus program that they might have.  In the branch I recruit for you get E-3 if you opt to take a bonus career.

    Good Luck!

  3. Apparently're a high SCOOL graduate that needs to go back to the second grade for a spelling refresher.

  4. not enough college credits to get advanced paygrade..minimum is like 24.   nor do you have enough to get a college credit bonus.  

  5. No, you need two years of college credits to get a higher rank, or 4years of NJROTC, Eagle scout, or get two people to enlist with you. good luck

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