
Will communism end in Vietnam?

by Guest44601  |  earlier

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Is it slowly falling apart? Do you think communism will collapse in vietnam?




  1. I doubt it will happen in the next few generations.

    Although there are "democratic elections" at lower levels of government, you still need to be a Communist Party member to run for government. I cannot see this requirement changing in the near future.

    I doubt very much if the central government would allow an opposition party as any group that has political leaning or aspirations is quickly closed down. So an external force stopping communism in Vietnam is highly unlikely

    Interestingly, the younger generation of Vietnam appears very apolitical which may be the first stages of a different form of government in Vietnam.

    Tsunamai: interesting observation about the bible and communism. You must be reading an extremely modern version as the concept of communism is less than 100yrs old.

  2. I don't care about political or any "stupid" thing like that, but one thing will never change in Vietnam: "Vietnamese people want to be friends with any nation in the world and welcome all people to do business with us or travel to our country". This mind was in our people from thousand years ago. We had to flight several times in the past just because we had no choice. In fact, we didn't go to any country to fight them for any resource or whatever. We are both human and what's the point we fight each other?

    Therefore, Communism or whatever is only a theory or a method we apply to make sure of the best choice in our economy development progress. It may be right or wrong but I don't care. If it's wrong, it will definitely be changed some day. What we really want is to develop our country and bring people happiness.

    So question back for you: Why you care about that?

  3. Let's hope so, My heart going out to all the poor and honest people of VN, North and South.

  4. I dont know but, I do know that Viet Nam is very important and if Communism is to end there, then it needs to be a peaceful and organized change to sustain the stability of the nation and ensure the long term success of Viet Name as a leader.

  5. Hopefully one day!!! I predict in 20 years time!!!

  6. 60 more years......

  7. yes it will be gone someday as the bible states it will but it oculd maybe not in our time we dont' know this there are things slowly happening right now that are subsiding this but all things take time and it will be praying for this to happen.

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