
Will converting solar energy into electricity and incepting solar heat reverse global warming?

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Will converting solar energy into electricity and incepting solar heat reverse global warming?




  1. reverse global warming, you mean enchance global cooling? I don't think so. I think it will reduce global warming, make it happen at a slower rate

  2. Not by the way you're thinking. The energy we use as solar energy is wasted on giving us cancer, harnessing this will simply keep us from burning coal, which will keep Arizona from hitting these d**n high-*** 128+ record temperatures.

  3. Solar energy use can reduce global warming because we can use it instead of burning coal, thereby cutting CO2 emissions which are the cause of global warming.

    But if I understand  your question right, that's not how solar energy systems work.  A solar energy panel absorbs light fromthe sun--not heat--and converts it into electricity.  

    It's an understandable mistake and one many people make--but the heat the sun has nothing to do with whether a solar panel will work--it's the total amount of light available.  If the light level is the same, a solar panel works about as well at subfreezin temperatures as it does on a superhot summer day.

    There are ways of using solar heat--to heat water, etcc. but that's a different technology.

  4. No because global CO2 emissions from power plants amounts to only about 2% of what is in the atmosphere. The other 1.4% that humans supply comes from cars and other minor burning of fossil fuels.  H2O in the atmosphere holds heat more efficiantly than CO2 does. If there is global warming it is not man made it is cloud made.

    It has already been stated that photovoltaic cells (solar cells) do not use heat to make electricity. This is true however the answerer also stated that it works about as well at subfreezing temps as they do on super hot summer days. This is false...... The amount of light the cell is exsposed to being the same the cell is more efficent at colder temps.

  5. No, 50% of the planet's emissions come from the 80% of the population with the highest population and emissions per capita growth.  

    Not only can they not afford solar, but they have not comitted to any slowing or ultimate limits to their emissions growth.  Global CO2 levels will continue rising and global warming cannot be stopped while developing nations are not on board.

  6. FOR THE 1000000000TH human interaction has ever caused or will ever prevent global warming. GET IT!!!?!?!?!?

    Get on tjhe web and do some research. geeeeeeeeezzzz.

  7. If indeed CO2 is really even causing global warming, then yes, not burning fuels that release more of it may make some tiny impact.

    The advantage to solar power is that it is supplied free of charge.  Use solar panels, put that electrical energy into the grid, and save a few bucks thereby, maybe even make a few.

    The best thing we could do for the current energy shortage and gas emissions would be to drive and have made street-legal, cars that are little more than golf carts. If we used these for puttering about town for errands, we could really make a huge impact on weaning ourselves away from petroleum dependency.

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