
Will convicted paedophile Gary Glitter be targeted now he is allowed to return to the UK?

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Will convicted paedophile Gary Glitter be targeted now he is allowed to return to the UK?




  1. yes.

    not sure there's a rock big enough for him to crawl under!

    I hope he gets a hard & difficult time no matter where he decides to hide.

  2. Oh yes,being so well known & living


    he will get it HARD !

  3. what time does your roast get out of the oven?

  4. Gary Glitter will be targeted in the United Kingdom and anywhere else he travels to. He can forget about coming to United States.

  5. Oh I do hope so in the most horrible way possible.

  6. Lets hope so.

  7. Probably, he should be pre-emptively jailed, as he has shown no remorse for his actions, and that makes the possibility of re-offending unacceptably high.

  8. Firstly he should never have been allowed back in UK, they should have let him rot in jail or torchered as he is an animal  

  9. he should be targeted with a 45 magnum and shot from very close range,  

  10. I sincerely hope so.....

  11. I'd like to target him with a .50 cal bmg at 1000 yards.

    Scum like him should be shot and there bodies dumped in the lion enclosure at Chester Zoo.

  12. Most certainly should be

  13. Well, if they are looking for someone to pull the trigger I want to volunteer. I hope that this piece of useless scum dies in agony and that goes for any one who harms  children. For this there is no excuse

  14. It's too bad there isn't a death penalty for people like him.

    Of course he is going to be targeted.  He's a degenerate piece of c**p.

  15. I hope so.

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