
Will cops do anything about the 8 yr old who inappropriately touched (molested) my 3 yr old daughter?

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Please see my past question to get the whole story on this, but to sum it up. My neighbor who I was babysitting who was 8 yrs old, was caught by my husband with his pants/underwear down touching my 3 yr old in her privates and made her touch him.

Anyways, the cops were called after a nice shout out with his mother. In fact she called the cops first just to be sure she told them her side first. When the cop came to our house he pretty much shrugged it off like it was no biggie. He says after he puts the report in, it goes to the detective. Are they going to do anything? We havent received a phone call yet. The report was filed on Thurs. Should we call to follow up or maybe we should have just went straight to DCFS. I don't know I just would like to see some sort of punishment. His parents are letting him play outside and have fun like he didnt do anything wrong. If it was my son, I would definitely not allow any fun for a long, long time!!!!




  1. Police don't usually care about these things.  It's not really a criminal activity since he's only 8.  It's more  of a medical issue.  This boy needs help, and you should report it to the state child protection agency.  It's likely he is learning this behavior from some adult.

  2. Kenneth C hit the nail on the head.  It would be the same in California.

  3. How traumatizing for the three year old!  The eight year old needs psychological help, and your daughter needs to know that you are there to nurture and protect her.

  4. The 8 year old is 8 YEARS OLD. GEEZ  lady. ever heard of playing doctor. I doubt the 8 yr old is DANGEROUS s*x OFFENDER. people are so stupid now days. I played doctor with a female cousin when I was 5 we did the same thing your talking about. I'm glad my family didn't send me to therapy. all kids are curious about nudity because parents raise them to think of nudity as dirty and taboo. you want him punished, You are the one who was supposed to be watching them. If they had time to get undressed and play touchy touchy then they time to drink poisen out of cabinet. You dropped the ball, and now you want a 8 year old to be punished for being curious about the opposite s*x when your Not Watching... Unbelievable!

    I suppose you should put your daughter in therapy too so she can: Not sleep well, have nightmares, never have relationship, and be a victom her whole life....

    Or you could forget about it and she will be fine.

  5. I believe this 8 yr old kid has *learned behavior* - Call DCFS immediately and explain exactly what happened.  A full inspection of this kid and his family should be done.  This is absolutely NOT his first time of molesting babies and such....  YOU are the only one in a position to stop this behavior...  there are still other little children at risk.  Doesn't look like his mom is going to help her son either.   It is not uncommon for a molested child to become a child molester and to start *playing* at it with kids younger than they are.

    Good luck to you and you are a good mom

    Hot Dog

  6. At an 8 year olds age they most likely will get put into an intensive psychological evaluation... Maybe even inpatient.

    It is not the police you need to talk to, cause they will just make your wait for justice longer. Report directly to Children Youth Services and hope they actually do their job. Most likely a case will be open against the parents, but there are so many cases that it usually takes some police reported domestic disturbance within' the residence before they do anything.

  7. As other people have said. You need to contact DFS. As a responding officer, there is nothing really I could do to the 8 year old except draw up a report and send it to family court. In Missouri there are only certain times when we can take an 8 year into custody....and this would not be one those. And most other states are the same way.

    The Police should have called DFS themselves. But you can also do so yourself if you want. If the police didn't, then at least a report is made. And if they did, it never hurts if two reports are made.

    If the 8 year old is doing that to your child, then there is VERY high probability that there is something very bad going on with him. He doesn't need to be punished, he needs professional help and the household needs to be investigated.

  8. You can report it to human services. I would not be surprised if the police did not do anything. My grandson molested my much younger granddaughter (cousins) and her older bro. seems to think it was because the cousin molester watched his dad's p**n.

  9. I suggest you retain an attorney.  Police departments are reluctant to involve themselves with cases involving 8-year-old boys who are accused of touching (molesting) 3-year-old girls.

    My checkbook and wallet was stolen by a middle school student while I was substituting in his classroom. The checkbook was found in an area close to the school. Two checks, still attached to the checkbook, had been made out to one of the middle school students mother! Within the next week, the student whose mother's name was on my check was caught, on camera, coming out of two different classrooms within that middle school with the teacher's PDA, and a laptop. The student remained in school!

    I filed a police report, giving the name of the student whose mother's name was on the checks that were found, the police department made copies of the checks, but nothing was done by the police. I would like to know who the police are protecting.

  10. The cops are not the ones to call. You need to call C.P.S.

    Child Protective Services! The cops are not trained to deal with this. C. P. S. is.  You can call 411 in your state and ask for the number to the Child protection services in you town or city. The boy new it was wrong. I understand


    the thing is he is acting out and will keep acting out until he gets the help he needs. I think that the dad has done more the leave the p**n were the boy can see it. this is going to be hard to hear, I think that the dad is doing things to the boy or the boy sister or brother.  It will not do any good to shame the boy. when kids are molested they are trying to keep this big bad secret to keep the person that is hurting them safe. most times they think that it is happening to them because of some thing the did. his mom is feeling guilty and knows that some thing is wrong in her sons world.  

    if she acts in it she will have to leave the hubby.  I have seen this time and time again. the mom is to weak to help her son.

    that is why it is up to you to call CPS.

    I know that it puts you in a hard spot.  stay strong you are doing GREAT!!!

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