
Will cream buns/cakes be removed from the racks so as not to entice the fatties?

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into more calories that they don't need.




  1. I am a non smoker and dont agree with smoking in public places, but this is going too far!!

    Its like the prohibition lol, and yes delete the question just in case people get ideas!!

  2. No they'll become "top shelf" items.  Over the years I've seen lots of big buns on the top shelf.

  3. propbably going on this nonsense pc filled, people hating government.

  4. Probably.

    And persoanl responsilbilty will be banned to stop us making decisions that MAy affect us in fifty years time.

    Long live the Nanny State!!

  5. a cruel, and unjust penalty for fatties,dont suggest it again, it may happen!

  6. Apparently Top Gear is being cancelled so as to not encourage car usage. Big Brother and reality TV in general is being axed to prevent stupidity, and Eastenders is being cancelled to prevent mass suicide

  7. Oh ffs lets just ban EVERYTHING !! It's getting beyond a joke now.

  8. Why not remove all alcohol so the alcoholics wont be tempted? Oh yeah. Lets see the response that gets.

  9. have you actually seen the people who buy this stuff?  you are being cruel and quite unnecessarily so

  10. I cant wait - in 10 yrs there will only be good looking slim birds who dont drink or smoke and only eat salad.

  11. No, its a free country.

  12. Yep they will and ALL chips shops are to be replaced by salad bars.

    All pubs will be replaced by smoothie bars.

    All McDs & Burger Kings will be replaced by leisure centres.

    Anybody over a size 16 will only be allowed out on Sunday mornings between 8 - 10:15am.

    And all pavements will be replaced by treadmills - you will run to your destination!!!!

  13. I agree with Sparkle - quickly delete the question!!!

    If Gordon sees this will be law by next week!!

  14. I am not a smoker but liked the above remark. I agreed with Pub's banning smoking but this may be one step too far......if people want to smoke they will, underage drinkers will find a way and yes fatties will always have a cream slice.

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