
Will current gas prices change your driving habits?

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What is your gas breaking point???




  1. I ride my Harley more and when in the car I do drive slower andI try hypermiling... when it went over $4...

  2. Well, I WAS going to finish getting my diesel Suburban to run on free WVO, but then it caught on fire :/

    So now gas prices are affecting me once again, as I am driving a gas car. To help ease the pump pain I am looking for a very small 3 cylinder car.

  3. it really has

    i love just cruising around for no reason, i take pride in the work i do to my car, so i like to drive it and show it off, unfortunately i wont be doing it as often

  4. I've started riding my bike to class. It saves me about $150 a month in gas.

    As for people like Core, its idiots like him that have run this country into the ground. Gas prices should concern everyone, even if you have money to pay. The economics behind the entire situation could bust the economy (its already started to). If you think your college education will allow you to forget about the price of oil, you're wrong. If the dollar tanks, you're history.

  5. I drive my 71 challenger on the weekends, and my f-250 diesel as a daily runner. They both get less then 15 MPG but i love them. I just dont spend as much on take out and movies so i put that towards my gas  :) and life goes on

  6. I get 13 mpg and I have not changed

  7. This should change our driving habits, to less usage of air condition and better maintance of our vehicles. It also takes us away from using our vehicles vigourously and walking and carpooling to more destinations. However their is an aletrnative this guy Oliver South convereted his BMW to water gas fuel. He has a video that shows step by step how anyone can do this. There is also a review website that I found in my research that covered  a few other companies that are doing the same thing. You might want  to check the review site at http://waterfuelconversion.googlepages.c...

  8. Yes, I'm now robbing others of gas by siphoning their gas.

  9. Hopefully it does because that is the reason why gas prices are going up.  The US market has shown that it is DEPENDENT on oil and cannot survive with a reduction in it, even if the government asks the people to cut back.

  10. At $12 I'll start cutting down on joy rides and try to limit it to places I want to go; taking the shorter route. I have a car that gets amazing gas mileage and a college education. I'm not worried about gas prices at all.

  11. yes, i started ridding a wotorcycle.

  12. took my car off.plates off rideing my cycle again

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