
Will cycling make my legs big?

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Im a girl, obviously.


and im 14.

i have really fatty theighs and calves.

i started cycling almost a week ago everyday.

i bike really long distances up some hills, and then i bike to the gym where i do the "stair climber machine" and do the some leg weights where i push my knees together from my starting postion which was my legs spread apart, and i do 80lbs.

i like biking alot, and after my legs feel really tight and stuff like that.

will all these leg workouts burn fat? or will they just make my legs big and bulky.

i dont want that.


oh, and i know i cant do spot weight loss, so dont tell me that.




  1. No cycling is very good for toning the legs.

  2. i don't think that cycling will make your legs big....just nice and toned.  and with all that cardio work you'll lose some fat along the way.  WTG on your workouts :)  just don't overdo it and stay safe.


  3. No, they won't make your legs bulky at all, unless you are a professional track racer. With the routine you described plus proper eating, you will definitely lose weight. I am a male competitive cyclist and I don't have bulky legs.

    ps. d**n! you do 80lbs on that machine? youre pretty strong! I did a little more that once and could barely walk the next day!

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