
Will darkfall online be better than World of Warcraft or Warhammer Online?

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Will darkfall online be better than World of Warcraft or Warhammer Online?




  1. I seriously doubt it, Warhammer has allot of potential, but its pretty much based on a RVR system that is the strong points, so its not comparable with WOW,  Wow is more PVE oriented and will draw those players that are not too involved in RVR.  WOW has its market and will keep that family market.

    Don't get me wrong Warhammer on line wont do bad at all however it will bring a different type of gamer in that market which I would consider more of a mature gamer as in , WOW is not that gamers first MMORPG.

    As far as Darkfall is concerned it may get a few players, however that mmorpg has no history to even be popular.

    Its not a pc strategy game, its not a table top game.  

    Its just another MMORPG, that has been in development for the past 4 years.  

  2. I agree with krennao, although I personally would say WAR does have fun pve. Personally I think the pve players from WOW will enjoy RvR because for one dieing isn't that bad, I actually don't mind dieing because when in WOW is was such a pain to die (just my opinion) I was a pve person in WOW myself (I hated pvp in WOW) and I love the RvR in this game, the scenarios are fun and you can que up anywhere for them and after the que you're back at the same place you left, and the sieges on keeps are amazing. lol anyways back to the question at hand, I think its all about personal preference, though I will say I've never even heard about Darkfall till now.

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