
Will day care accept a 6 week old baby?

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Will day care accept a 6 week old baby?




  1. Some day cares will, some won't, depends on the daycare. You have to call around and see.

  2. i know here in aus they will

  3. Some will and Some won't you just need to look around for one  

  4. Some daycares will accept babies right out of the hospital.  But almost all will take 6 week olds, thats usually the limit for some daycares.

  5. Some daycare will.I had to go back to school and my baby was 6 weeks,and I had her in a home daycare (:

  6. Geez, can't you hold off for a bit before you dump the NEWBORN off at daycare??

    I would at least wait until 6 months if you have to use daycare.  

  7. some will. it depends  

  8. Most daycares take kids from 6 weeks -12 years. But each facility is different you would need to contact the center. they might not have openings for little babies.

  9. You have to check with your local day care centers.  Some do and some don't.

  10. Yeah, I think 6 weeks is actually the minimum age at most daycares.  But you do need to call the daycare to ask what their policy is  :)

  11. most day cares in the US start accepting babies at 6 weeks because that's when maternity leave usually ends for women over here. some want to wait until thier 2 month shots but most mothers i know with abbies in daycare were back at work at 6 weeks

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