
Will defeated Hillary supporters flock to McCain?

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It seems reasonable that many would considering he is a LIBERAL Republican and he didn't attack Hillary like Obama.




  1. The Hillary supporters I know will go to Obama without question and without too much grief.  Most seemed to have a hard time choosing between the two in the 1st place and consider their differences to be small.

  2. jdw, are you serious?  No, they will support Obama.  McCain is a good guy but he is opposed to nearly every policy the democratic party advocates.  These party names are not superficial.  There are huge differences.

  3. Nope.

    Democrats vote, the same way they are for sports teams - they don't care who the players are, all they care about is their team winning.

    (To be fair, a lot of republicans do this too, but not as many as Dem's).

    Plus, liberalism is a religion, and they're not going to go over to "Satan", which if you will notice, is pretty much how liberals act towards conservatives.

  4. Hopefully they won't go like sheep to the slaughter house.

  5. many of us wont vote for obama

    as for McCain ? - maybe


    even if the majority of Hillary voters vote for obama it wont be enough

    he needs them all, and most of the swing votes also

    (swing voters wont be voting for obama)

    you'll see

  6. He's not a liberal Republican, he's just simply not a batsh** crazy Republican--and that may make him attractive a small number of Hillary voters.   The majority, I imagine, will vote for Obama.

  7. I hope they do, I love McCain, used to have no use for Hillary, but the truth is they like each other, a lot, what a great ticket that would be, she would have to play second fiddle, but she is young enough to do it agian....I really am starting to like her. If you knew me, that would make your jaw drop.

  8. Well, Lemmings and sheep do crazy things.  But they require a leader.  My guess is they will flock to Obama.

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