
Will deleting iTunes playlists create space?

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I bought a 4GB iPod nano on Sunday and I love it. Only problem is that I'm running out of space and already used up about 1.7 gig. I'm looking forward to buying the video album "In Rainbows - From the Basement" from iTunes and because of the retarded iTunes "Plus", that will take up easily about 400 meg, and I'm also buying a Radiohead box set (another 200 meg); (yeah, I have a Radiohead phase going on right now), and I need as much space as possible.

My question is, since some automatic playlists (such as "My Top Rated") are quite useless, will it create space if I delete them? I need as much as possible, even the smallest amount.




  1. playlists or smart playlists (as iTunes calls them) do not take up space. the thing that they do is that they only group certain songs in a playlist so this means that your songs are being duplicated. you can delete them if you do not want them and this will not affect any of your songs in itunes. and do not worry about your space because 1.7GBs is almost about 2GB.  1GB=1024MB and since you are going to buy things that will add up to 600MB, then i think that you are still ok. so this means that the total space in your ipod would be about 2.1GB to 2.5GB, around there.

  2. yea deleting those useless playlist will help a very minimal amount but still every little bit helps :)

  3. Deleting play lists like "My Top Rated" will not create space. The play list merely shows what songs you listen to most, which are already in your iTunes library. The play lists themselves probably take up only a few kb (1024 kb in 1 meg).

    To free up space you can either delete the songs from your iTunes library, or you can set your iPod only to take the songs that are checked. Then you can check and uncheck sons and videos you don't need on your iPod.

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