
Will dem's hush up now that "The Annointed One" (Obama) has told them to drop the Palin family matter?

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Firstly, hat's off to Obama on the wisest statement I have heard him make. He basically said today..."Listen, I was born to a young unwed mother. This is a non-issue. Leave it alone." Will the Dem. faithful follow the advice of "The One" , or is the urge to slime just too overwhelming? Afterall, unplanned teen pregnancy NEVER occurs in "good and moral" families, right?




  1. Obama's followers are going to beat this like a dead mule.  he will have to distance himself from all the hype and muck, and from the mud slingers in his party, which is his base.

    as a result his poll numbers will fall among women and he will be struggling to find something negative to say about even McCain by this time.

  2. It is a smart move on Obama's part. You can also Credit with John McCain for really running a clean campaign. If you look back at past elections this election is pretty clean and nice.

  3. My supporters will do as they are told.

    Except for when it comes to bashing underaged girls.

  4. I thought this showed a lot of class on Obama's part. Further, on both sides of this race, everyone needs to lay-off of the kids, they're not running for office.

  5.    Just like how conservatives have a few whinners like liberals they will keep it going.  Fox news has made a living mudslinging Obama and mnbc does it to Mccain.  I just wish Mccain could have come out and said the same thing when rev wright came out.

  6. That is how Obama's campaign will backfire.  His own people will embarrass him and most of the nation will see libs for who they really are.  McCain is a genius for this design.  

  7. I believe he was speaking to the press...but since you brought it up...why don't the Repubs...starting laying off the mudslinging at his family?  Get off your high horse......

  8. The issue really isn't about the Palin family matter, but John McCain first presidential type decision.  He didn't properly vet this candidate and not there are serious questions about his judgment.

    "Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin’s background. A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice. The campaign was still calling Republican operatives as late as Sunday night asking them to go to Alaska to deal with the unexpected candidacy of Ms. Palin.

    Although the McCain campaign said that Mr. McCain had known about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy before he asked her mother to join him on the ticket and that he did not consider it disqualifying, top aides were vague on Monday about how and when he had learned of the pregnancy, and from whom. "

    “They didn’t seriously consider her until four or five days from the time she was picked, before she was asked, maybe the Thursday or Friday before,” said a Republican close to the campaign. “This was really kind of rushed at the end, because John didn’t get what he wanted. He wanted to do Joe or Ridge.”

    McCain had 6 months since he tied up the republican primary to complete a proper VP search.  He has committed an epic failure.

  9. I wont..

    I heard you repubes bash Obama and his whole family and Clinton and her whole family for over a year.

    NOW you want to play fair?!?

  10. If every Democrat stopped talking about it, do you actually think that the media would drop it as well? You have much to learn...

  11. I like and even agree with Obama but I like to speak for myself.

    It is the Mother of Bristol who generated this problem for her daughter.

    And how sorry I am that these 2 young people have to endure this exposure.

    How on earth can a mother be so selfish ?  

    In addition it is the hypocracy of Palin and her followers that is so disturbing not the fact that her daughter is pregnant.

    I just wish that a young girl would not be involved in this or I would take

    great delight in this backlash.

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