
Will depression medication work if I have A d**n GOOD REASON to be depressed? I just confirmed my husband...

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... is having a long-term emotional (cyber) relationship. My friends tell me to go to my doctor to get help, but I have a solid, tangible reason I'm depressed. I also have many health issues, the primary one being that I have a kidney transplant. For years my husband said it was "in my head..." but now I know better.

Will meds' work? I can't confront him yet... I'm in the process of gathering stuff together for a divorce, but I can't sleep, eat... need advice, please!




  1. No depression meds. They make you worse. take to you doctor and see if you can get something to help you sleep at night tell you get this man taken care of. Force yourself to eat you need sleep to help you think and deal with this problem. You're hurt not depressed and have reason to be. Taking meds is not the answer. You have to think about you health. please go see you doctor and tell him whats happened. You may be very surprised how understanding they can be. Take care and good luck. I hope everything works out for you.  

  2. The answer is probably.  It sounds like you are in a chemical depression, due to, at least in part, the stress you are feeling in your marriage. The fact that your day to day functioning is affected means that the depression is not just situational anymore, but has now affected your brain chemicals.

    Go see your doctor. You are right, it does not mean you need to take meds long term.

  3. Meds will help you cope... they won't make you happy you will still be sad about what is happening.  but you will be able to control your emotions better, and function.  your depression is caused by what is happening right now and your reaction is normal.. Medication take time to work and aren't prescribed simply to cheer people up.  Depression has many symptoms not just sadness, often insomnia, weight loss, lack of concentration, fatigue, mood swings, no interest in s*x,

    You can go to your Dr and explain your situation he will prescribe something to help you function. like a mild antidepressant, and something to help you relax like ativan. If you take them and start feeling better never stop taking them abrutly, you must gradually stop them.  Keep in mind also that antidepressants have side effects too.  

    if you don't want to take meds you could talk to a family counsellor or therapist they can help you through it.

  4. OK I changed my answer after I read your "additional details"...maybe all you need is a benzo like valium or klonopin -something to take the edge off.  Good luck!!

    I agree you have a good reason to be depressed, but it is a situation like this that can lead you to clinical depression.  Sometimes all it takes is a crisis like this...I know a lot of people don't believe in meds and I also know that meds can take 4-6 weeks to be fully effective, but if you want to be strong to go through with this, I think you should talk to a dr.

  5. there isn't always medication for all of life's problems - sometimes we just have to allow ourselves to grieve. you are grieving for your lost marriage- that is normal. you are going through a hard time right now- i would think that some counselling would help more than medication, and perhaps with the counselling, you will be better equipped to decide what to do about your marriage and your husband. i know how hard it is to have a cheating husband-just hang in there-you will get over this problem, and life will be good again-it just takes time.

  6. You have a right to feel down, but don't fall into the habit of feeling depressed: when you are ill, it is important to be optimistic, and maintain a positive attitude, even if circumstances don't warrant it, for the benefits it may well bring, and the avoidance of the downside of the alternative.

    On page O, in section 3, at there is a comprehensive post on insomnia, and I obtained the EMDR from a book on treating insomnia in depression.

    The subject of depression is addressed in section 2: view page R first, then female depression, page V, and the rest of both those sections. Although I don't recommend antidepressants for you, I think you may benefit from, say, 6 months of St. John's wort, in addition to the core treatments on page R.

    If you aren't hungry, force yourself to eat small quantities of healthy food, often, because your brain needs good nutrition, or you can become vitamin and mineral deficient, which can cause depression in its own right. Drinking freshly prepared vegetable, and fruit juices can supply a lot of the nutrition, so you don't have to eat that much.

    RELATIONSHIPS: go to  and and   and BOARDS, at and may be worth a look as well.

    There are a number of chatsites and forums shown, but you may well do better with therapy, such as the CBT, or REBT recommended: online counselling: &

  7. Depends on the med.

    I know I have been on 2 and am going through problems with my dosage but it is rare.

    And of course if you have a reason to be depressed then you will be.

    If you've tried everything else and meds are last resort then it would not hurt to give them a try.

    Talk to your dr and see what he has to say. He might even help you or refer you to someone with help reg the divorce.

    Good Luck!

  8. Depression medication can't solve your anger at a justifiable cause, and most of it is long term. In this situation, getting rid of the cheating husband is the best solution. However, that still leaves you in the current state of not being able to sleep or eat, which means you do need some help. Contact your doctor, he or she knows your special situation with your kidney transplant, and can provide you with a contact for pyschotherapy (talking) and possibly a sedative so you can get some rest for now.

    There are a lot of issues to be dealt with, and a pill isn;t the answer for long term. Try psychotherapy, and get a counselor that specializes in this. Is your marriage beyond any hope of repair? If you think there is hope, Catholic Social Services offers counseling and "Marriage Encounter" weekends which are guided therapy for a couple, lots of intense work. My parents (not catholics) went through this, and it helped them. They did still end up getting divorced, but it got them both to realize the issues that were being hidden and buried from each other were the reason for their problems, and both ended up having good relationships afterward with other people, because of what they learned. Most of the people in their group stayed married in the end.

    Take care.  

  9. Medication will work and make u feel better but it will only mask the pain.. You also need to be careful what kind of meds you take because a lot of things these days become highly addictive. I suggest you lean on your friends and family to give you the strength to get out of your situation. You will probably feel more relieved once everything is out in the open. It's hard being upset with someone (especially whe you live with them) and not talk about the problem. That would drive me depressed with that alone... Good luck to you and I hope it all works out for the best....

  10. Meds will help.

    With the stresses in your life atm, the serotonin levels in your brain would be low, that's where an anti-depressant can help.  It won't change the fact that you are pissed off and hurt, but it will help you to switch off your brain so you can sleep....

  11. Solve the problem, not a symptom.

    If I were depressed from a situation like this, taking a hammer to the computer would make me feel MUCH better.

    Parking hubby's clothes on the front lawn would work, too.

  12. Stop looking to pills to fix every problem in your life.   That is a big problem with society these days.

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