
Will doing a right turn in a junction while on red set off red light cameras on the on coming side?

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The other day while coming back frm work, i did a right turn at the junction (by mistake) while the lights are red. There were two red light cameras which were facing my direction at the oncoming side (not behind me). The side which i came from did not have any cameras. Do those cameras frm the oncoming side meant for capturing errant drivers from that side only?

I did not look at them while making that turn so i do not know if i have set them off... So if anyone knows how these cameras work please tell me. Thanks.




  1. Probably not--we (in the US) have a few intersections here in my city where there are cameras only on one side of the intersection, because that's where the worse traffic/most accidents/most offenses are.  The red light camera will take a picture of your license plate as you approach the light, as you get to the line, and as you pass the line (in violation).  If you are facing the camera, it cant see your plates (I guess unless you're in a state that requires front plates--in NC we dont.)  This may not be applicable in some other location.

    I actually have never understood why they didnt just go on and put them going in both directions if they're going to put them in one direction.  

    I've gotten 2 red light tickets--it usually takes about 3 weeks for them to send me the ticket.  If I'm afraid I got one, I have to wait 3 weeks to see if I get a ticket in the mail. :p

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