
Will doing community service help improve my social skills?

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I am 20 years old and I suck when it comes to the area of being social. I don't know why. I've always been that way ever since I was younger. It had gotten worse as I got older. I know that in order to survive in this world I need to be more social. I like doing community service.




  1. ANY interaction with people will help. So...yes.

    Good luck!

  2. Well, I think it depends on what community service you do. If it it's causes you to be around people yes of course. I know some community service where all you did was stuff envelopes and file with  no contact with any one but the work. I think you are just shy, but once you show yourself off people will probably love being around you. Today's society don't do a lot of contact they e-mail, text and chat in the rooms. I don't think the younger generation really knows how that effects them in the long run. Face to face contact builds in that area so I give you al ot of credit for taking on a challenge and trying to build that skill, because it's priceless.

  3. Yes, try it! Any conversations/interactions with other people will help. It will also make you feel better about your self. Have fun!

  4. yes it will help....

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