
Will donating through ebay listings increase your sales alot?

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I figure if people will spend more money on a pair of jeans where partial amount is donated to a worthy cause. Why not start donating through my listings? Would it increase my sales and the final price? Who has tried this through trial and error? What was your expierience?




  1. You must be the charity, prove it to Ebay, in order to set it up that way. Individuals can't set up for donations.

  2. Here's the bottom line. Do Gooder stuff is great but in all reality people don't give a rip about it.

    A perfect example of this is the idea to buy American goods. Most people in the US would say they like to buy American whenever they can. In all reality Walmart is the big winner here. How do I determine that they are the big winner?  Because they are the largest corporation in this country. Try to find something American in Walmart.

    The reality is that people would rather pay less and help a foreign business than pay a few extra dollars for an equal American product whether they say it's a good thing to buy American or not.

  3. I have sold a lot of Items through ebay and used the charity option and it did not increase my sales, or the number of people watchinging and I was using the 9/11 fund as my charity. It does not make any difference in sales volume either. It is just a nice thing to do.

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