
Will double flared plugs irritate your ears and cause them to want to close?

by  |  earlier

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I've had 00g plugs (s***w on) for about a month and a half, but when school starts, next week I have to start taking my plugs out during the day (at 8) and putting them back in at the end of school (at 2:45). My ears heal really fast and are loose and completely healed but I'm worried that with the double flared plugs my ears will get irritated and want to close up when i take them out because the double flared are slightly bigger than normal s***w on plugs.

any help?




  1. It makes no difference if they are flared or not.

    Why don't you get flesh colored?

    You can't tell unless you are really close up.

    And if you take them out during the day, they will shrink a bit. They won't completely close though.

  2. yeh skool sucks with that kinda stuff...i have a 20mm and getting there was a *****...if u use double flares ur ears probly gonna hurt everytime to put them back in if u hav to take em out everday..i just stuck with the s***w ons for a while then wen ur ear fully heals it will be slightly bigger than the plug so u shuld be able to put flares in with no problems

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