
Will drinking coffee before the test help me to get good grades?

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im just wondering that if coffee is helpful before taking exams...




  1. No it won't. When you drink coffee it makes you more alert for an hour or so but then you feel like c**p. The best way to get those good marks is probably to study :)

  2. Coffee wont help you get good grades.  Studying is the ONLY thing that will help that.

  3. Definitely not. The coffee will make you all wired and you can't focus. That will lead you to be incapable of thinking and more nervous than before. It's definitely not a good thing to do. Why not have some juice or water before the test?

  4. eat boiled eggs b4 studying will help u concentrate more bt if u feel drowzy or sleepy u can go 4 coffee will only help u 2 stay awake

  5. Well coffee can help keep you awake and caffeine does stimulate the brain. But if you want something to help more than try an energy drink. They usually have a few B vitamins which helps. They often have Taurine and ginseng which are also stimulants and can help with the brain too.

    I would actually try one of the healthy energy drinks though. XS Energy, 5 Hour Energy, or Stacker's 6 Hour Power.

  6. no you won't be able to concentrate and you'll crash. try fruits and get some protein like eggs

  7. studying for a test will give you good grades

  8. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Coffe is very very bad for you Because of all the caffine and it wears off quick like sugar!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. It will keep you awake. There are test studies that show chewing gum during a test will help you, not sure how true it is.

  10. No, but attending class, taking notes, studying and getting a good nights sleep will.

  11. Coffee, while beneficial on several levels (antioxident), will not substitute for studying.

  12. If you are used to drinking coffee, then it can help you focus.  If you aren't used to drinking it, I would stay away from it.  It could just make you jittery and your mind might race.

  13. umm.. i dont know about that.. i dont think so.. it might get you hyper and get you energy .. but then if you haven't studied for your test.. nothing will honestly help you.. :) not even god..

    good luck!

  14. I am a regular coffee drinker and do like my cup before (or during exams).  However, one of my friends, who hadn't had coffee in a few years, drank a cup with me and could not concentrate.  Another one of my friends, who had never had coffee ever drank a cup at the same time and she got more done in the following 5 hours than she had all day.  It all depends on your body's response to the caffeine.  I wouldn't risk it for a major exam, if you are not used to it.

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