
Will driving become a luxury that few can afford to do regularly?

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With the rate of increase of gas prices will it still be affordable in the near future to drive like people do today? The hybrids only get a small margin more per gallon their counterparts, SUV hybrids included, so what is the answer? Electric? No more suburbia to the city American lifestyle anymore? What is going to happen in the next 3-10 years?




  1. fuel efficient cars will be more popular and in more demand if gas prices continue to increase

  2. I'll tell you what is going to happen- all these spoiled Americans are going to get an education!!  Really, soccer moms in SUVS, people burning gas for entertainment ( vacations, going to social functions, boats etc) needs to stop now!   I am 34 and have a good blue collar job.  I consolidate all my stops at the grocery store, wal mart etc to my trip home from work....I think Americans are going to see a lifestyle change wehter they want it or not...

  3. People like you have been asking questions like that for many, many years....

    ...well, we are still driving and we will probably still be driving 3 to 10 years from now, if not more than that. Even with gas at almost $4.00 a gallon more people own cars than ever.

  4. Certainly looks to be the case here in Australia too !

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