
Will drugs help be become a better musician/songwriter?

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does drugs help in this situation?




  1. NO drugs are illeagal for a reason. they kill your brain cells and make you fat ugly and bald, its definately not a good choice,and besides why would you want to do something that hurts you and every one around you?also it makes you alote more talented if your a singer who dosent need to depend on drugs , and you can do your on thing and take all the credit. well good luck hope you make a good choice:)

  2. If you already have a talent, but are suffering writers block, weed might help. Consider tripping acid. It really helps open your mind, so it seems. Gives you a new perspective. Keep in mind it was invented by a scientist who did it his whole life and grew to be an old man.  

  3. Some seem to help at first, and sometimes really do, but the crash isn't worth it. Marijuana doesn't crash but it also causes a lack of motivation. Helps some, others not so much.

    As for anything else, especially stimulants, the crash will leave you feeling like you'll never write a song again. So no drugs, pot if anything, ok?

    Good luck with everything :)

  4. Musicians /songwriters are inspired souls that don't need nothing but their intuitions,  Drugs will send you away from your calling and into total destruction of your brain cells

  5. at first you will feel good but then you will crash down and suck more then you did before, so the answer is NO!!!!!

  6. You will play worse but think you are playing better.

  7. As the one guy above said, it's not a good idea to start doing a bunch of drugs and become an addict - believe me, you do not want to be a junkie.

    However, getting a little taste of certain drugs will put your mind into new states and a large portion of the time does help to get the creative juices flowing. Some of the best songs I've ever written I wrote while on something.... no regrets.

  8. Well, I don't believe drugs contribute a lot to creative song writing, but I think it's not a bad idea to try at least once.


    When you do drugs, you will experience different feelings and moods that you've never ever felt before. Music is all about creativity. I believe certain types of drugs will open your mind a bit.

    h**l, the Beatles did all different kinds of drugs: marijuana, lsds, etc.

    Now, I'm not telling you to go out and buy drugs and be a druggie. I just think everyone should try drugs at least one time in their lives. Anyone who disagrees is either a law enforcement officer, or a p***y.

    tru dat

  9. lsd, shrooms and other psychadelics have very often had the effect of inspiring new creativities in the creative centers of the brain.  psychadelic inspired art is some of the craziest stuff you'll ever see, and music is also interesting too.  some of the inspirations spouting from acid are just simply too far out there to be thought up (im sure there are exceptions, dont reprimand me on this.)

    weed and opium fall into the grey area, but for different reasons.  marijuana, although classified as a hallucinagen, can be argued either way.  i find marijuana to be a feeling drug, as would many others.  while it may inspire creativities not otherwise thought- up, it is unlikely that you would get the same inspirations. opium is a huge inspiration (see samuel taylor coleridge) in the writing, music and art world, although its negative effects are less benign and would fall more into the category that i will describe next.  it is addictive as well as medically detrimental, and despite its inspirational possibilities, i would not reccomend it.  

    coke, meth, ecstasy, heroin and all that stuff are the wrong path without a doubt.  they inspire no creation and give only a feeling.  no visions, ideas, or creativities spout from their use and from a veteran drug user, they only lead to trouble.  your music will actually degenerate from their use, but not because of why ppl say it will.  your addiction will create a need for money and no matter how rich you are, things like a heroin addiction will burn through assets like ice in a microwave.  this will lead you to create music on the basis of needing money, and your music writing will become hasty, low quality, and i think you can see where the rest of this spiral is going.

    i think drugs do have a purpose in life and this may be one of them.  however, it is your job to do your research, know the dangers, the ups and downs of what your taking, and take responsibility.

    dont listen to people like hunnybunny, who is your average "drugs are bad, mkay?" propaganda victim.  

    TO HUNNYBUNNY: please stop answering drug questions, you dont know what your talking about, you have obviously done no research whatsoever, and "above the influence" commercials are not a source.  go read a book.    

  10. Aw, don't ask permission to do drugs. They aren't necessary for the creative process.

  11. Marijuana might inhance your creativity, but any other drug is just baaaaad news.

  12. No. they will just make you a loser dead musician.

  13. No. Inspiration is what helps people write good pieces. Why don't you go kiss a girl and see if you like it? Of course breaking up and falling in love..... great inspiration comes from these events all the time. Even just the line from a movie can inspire. "You had me at hello" (A line from Jerry Maguire) did it for Kenny Chesney. So no, you don't need drugs to be good at what you want to do. Just be good to yourself.

  14. No drugs don't help any situation.

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