
Will earning a certificate in a specialized area improve the chances of being offered a job in that field?

by Guest57840  |  earlier

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Will earning a certificate in a specialized area improve the chances of being offered a job in that field?




  1. it depends on what the field is, and what you want to do with it.... not only can degrees and certificates in any field provide you with many options of concentrations to focus on. this does not necessarily mean that you are limited in one area, but you will have more focused skills. BUT, if you don't get a certificate in a field, does not mean that you wont be able to get a job later on. all you have to do is dream up the job and have a desire to learn. like the people below, anything is possible.

  2. YES.  It proves that you have put the time and effort into getting the training and taken the time to research the field and are serious about the position.  However, many certificates can be used in similar fields.. graphics can be used in marketing.  CAD can be used in graphics, etc.  Finance can be used in office management.  You get the idea.

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