
Will eating too much grass hurt my rabbit?

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my rabbit eats grass to keep his teeth downg too much but will eating too much hurt him in any way?? why or why not?




  1. Yes, eating too much grass can make rabbits sick.

    Give him wooden toys to chew on instead.

    It's much healthier.

  2. yes eating too much grass can hurt him as the other person said. eating grass can give them the runs also feeding hard pellets don't always work but try giving him a small piece of pine board to chew on that will help and carrot will too they dont have to be baby ones though any size is ok and as a treat to your rabbit leave the ends on the carrot alot of people cut them off.

  3. eating too much grass could make him bloated, which can be fatal.

    if you want to keep his teeth from growing too long, feed him hard pellets, maybe a little hay and the occasional baby carrot

  4. Rabbits can get colic very easily and a lot of time that's fatal.

    My sister's rabbit died from that. It was an agonizing death, the little thing was screaming all the way to the vets. Have you ever heard a rabbit scream?

    Cut back on the grass and make sure the grass you let him have isn't wet.  

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