
Will egg whites help make sweet roll dough more tender?

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Will egg whites help make sweet roll dough more tender?




  1. I can't give you just a yes or no.  It depends upon the rest of the recipe.  One of my favorite sweet roll doughs uses sour cream while another uses whole eggs.  They're both delicious doughs and I decide which one to use based on which filling I'm going to use.

    If I had to guess, I'd guess yes that the egg whites could add tenderness.

  2. egg whites did not help me but a tablespoon of mayo or sour cream did

    try this recipe too

    Coiled Sweet Rolls


    (12 servings)

    3 1/2 c Flour (More If Necessary)

    1/4 c Sugar

    1 ts Salt

    1 pk Dry Yeast

    Butter Or Margarine Softened

    2/3 c Very Warm Water

    2 Eggs, Room Temperature

    1/2 c Honey

    3/4 c Chopped Almonds


    Mix 3/4 cup flour, sugar, salt and undissolved yeast in large bowl. Add softened butter. Gradually add water and beat 2 minutes on medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Add eggs and 1/2 cup flour. Beat on high speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in enough additional flour to make stiff dough. Turn out onto lightly floured board and knead until smooth and elastic, 5 to 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled. Punch dough down. Divide in halves. On lightly floured board, roll half of dough to 15- x 12-inch rectangle. Spread with 2 tablespoons softened butter. Fold in half. Roll out again to 15- x 12-inch rectangle. Spread with 2 tablespoons more butter. Fold in half and roll out to 18- x 6-inch rectangle. Cut dough lengthwise into 6 (1-inch) strips. Fold each strip in half lengthwise so that it is 1/2-inch wide. Gently roll to round and lengthen each strip to rope 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter. Hold one end of each rope firmly and wind dough loosely around to form coil. Tuck end underneath. Place on greased baking sheets about 2 inches apart. Repeat with remaining dough. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled. Heat honey until thin. Gently brush rolls with half of honey and sprinkle with almonds. Bake at 400°F 15 minutes or until browned. Remove from baking sheets and cool on wire racks. Drizzle while hot with remaining honey

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