
Will employees be fired due to AB's buyout?

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my dad works for anheuser busch. they just agreed to be bought out by inbev. my mother is going nuts crying and freaking out saying my dad is going to lose his job. i asked her if anyone had actually told my dad his management job is done. she said no, but it's "assumed". is that always the case? if i were her i wouldnt freak out just yet. would you?




  1. Yes, jobs will be lost due to our tax system. We have one of the highest corp rate taxes in the world.

  2. Inbev is the result of the merger between former Interbrew (Belgian based) and Ambev (Brazilian). The Brazilians have imposed their managementculture on  the former Interbrew-entities. You can expect the same to happen with AB.

    Interbrew USED to have good relationships with unions, however that is no longer the situation (since the merger with Ambev).

    Inbev has a management culture focused on cost-cutting, expect a lot of perks to disappear. Also Inbev would not hesistate a moment to relocate administrative jobs if that is cheaper without much consideration for the workforce (example they relocated an accounting team from Jupille to Leuven only because rent was cheaper in Leuven, forcing most of the employees to become jobless  or accept a 90 minutes commute).

    I also believe they will relocate breweries if that would be profitable (example: they did relocate the brewery of the Hoegaarden-beer out of Hoegaarden (the beer was named to the town) to another brewery for cost-efficiency, regardless of an important good relationship with that town.

    And Inbev has announced to cut costs with about 1 billion, since they are unable to close breweries (and blue collarjobs) expect a lot of jobs to disappear in management and HQ.


    I'm confident some people are still working on a competing bid and it's sure some deep pocketed people do not believe in this deal.

  3. Hard to say but often after takeovers the acquiring company does cut some jobs.  Still I'm sure Inbev is planning to make and sell the same amount of beer (or more) and they will need managers for that.  Best for them not to jump to conclusions and wait and see what happens.

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