
Will everyone please stop the hate for Kyle Busch?

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Please read the article in the link below. If Dale Jr. doesn't have a problem, why do so many YA! people?;_ylt=AoVtx8Mxwu8omf807WcMLhnTv7YF?slug=ap-nascar-juniorstake&prov=ap&type=lgns




  1. You know I was very angry at first. I had it in my mind Kyle Busch did it on purpose. But I've heard Jr/Busch sides, and you know that's just hard short track racing. If you look it looks like Kyle just shot up track to knock him out. He didn't it's called "getting loose". Better luck at Darlington is all I can say. But no matter what some of the fans think, they'll all be pissed and angry at Rowdy until Jr wins a race. Let's hope it soon, because I wanna see Jr in Victory Lane.

  2. It's mainly being propogated by HaterNation. How is it one guys fan base ruins the sport so much for fans of the other 42 drivers? As Wild Thing himself said about Junebug, "It ain't all about him". Grow up haters!

  3. All of the hate directed at the Scrub isn't just about what he did to Junior.  My dislike for him comes from his attitude, arrogance and recklessness.  One good thing about the COT - it's safer than the old cars.  At least it will probably keep him from killing someone.

  4. I have no problem!! I am a Huge Jr fan and not a Kyle fan. I saw it was a racing accident, maybe Kyle shouldn't have run in the corner so hard. But they both wanted a win and Jr got the bad end of the deal, and Kyle came up short. That's a part of racing.

  5. We're not all Kyle haters,

    even those of us that aren't his fans.

    He's a good, hard driver, that is causing most of his own problems.

    He has to start giving the same respect to other drivers, that he expects from them.

    If/when his maturity catches up to his talent, he will get the respect he wants.


  7. Listen I am not a Kyle hater, but he needs to show more respect for other drivers instead of running over them and pushing them out of the way. He could be a real nice guy, but he needs to grow up.

  8. I wish they would drop it also. We have a great race to look forward to in Darlington this weekend. Good racing, new racing surface & lots of storylines other than Kyle & Dale Jr show.

  9. im over it but its still messed up for a driver to wreck another one for no reason

    since kyle wrecked jr last saturday night heres my take

  10. I'm over it, I'm ready for Darlington.. I don't hate Kyle Busch or any drivers the little Scrub has never been my favorite to begin with.. Its not just the  Dale Jr incident, its his attitude and arrogance. He's young hopefully he changes and matures....How many hours till Darlington???

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  11. I wholeheartedly agree!!  As chad knaus said last evening on "This Week in NASCAR,"  That's nothing everyone out there hasn't done, even jeff gordon.

  12. Don't hate nobody...  

    Sorry, but I don't like him, he acts like a spoiled little rich kid!  He invented to word:  Arrogance !

    He'll get what he deserves, just a matter of time...

    As for Junior's reaction, almost every driver puts on a happy face.  huh?  The bottom line is we're all human, and I feel like Junior is upset with what happened.  Seriously!  Wouldn't you be?

  13. Because we all watch Kyle week after week take people out and make STUPID move's and we ARE SICK OF IT!!!

    GO # 9 Kasey Kahne

  14. I don't have anything against his driving. I dislike is arrogance and his attitude in the post race interview.

  15. AMEN!! Shrub has a place in my heart..and that says a lot considering the past he had with his current teammate (i/e my favorite driver..who even penned his nickname)

    He races hard.. and I give him credit for that!! A lot!! He goes to win..and I think that is awesome and something we need to have more of back in Nascar!!

    He reminds me a little bit of old school. Sure he is a bit spoiled, but at 22 I think we all are, a bit, esp when we are sitting at the top of our jobfield with people twice our age. He'll calm down..just as Tony did, just as his older brother did. You can't tame passion.. you just learn to use it at the right times.

  16. Because I am tired of seeing Kyle's irresponsibility result in other drivers getting wrecked. He needs to learn how to drive without putting everyone around him in jeopardy.  Racing is getting around the track  WITHOUT  wrecking!!!!!!!!

  17. So everybodys gripe about kyle is that " he races dirty"  and "takes people out".... Well how many cars did Dale Earnhardt "take out"?  quite a few, yet  alot of people say that he is the best stock car driver ever?  come on.. The kid can flat out drive, REALIZE it!!!! it isn't a fluke...give him some credit..

  18. ill stop the hate when he stops driving like a moron and stops his ignorant comments....but that wont happen because hes a cocky big tooth big nose goon

  19. I don't hate anybody and if Jr. doesn't have a problem with what happened Sat. then so be it.  But, NASCAR needs to step up and do something about this like they did with Stewart a couple years ago.  I'll admit Busch is a good driver or he wouldn't be where he is today.  But, Sprint Cup?  NO!  I'll bet one thing though, he'd better not come down here to Charlotte and try that mess or he's lobbel to get hurt.  That's no threat by me but, here you just don't do that sort of thing to a local favorite or in racing period and get away with it, without a few knots on your head.  It may or may not have been a mistake, personally I've given up on it.  But, you've got to acknowledge that this has really, REALLY become a common occurrence with Busch and needs to be addressed before someone gets hurt.

    Man!  You made the hillbilly come out in me!

  20. Because people fail to realize that what Steven Wallace did to Scrub Friday is NO different than what Scrub did to Jr.  Except Scrub actually wrecked Jr whereas Steven Wallace only bumped Scrub, didn't wreck him or cause him to lose any spots.

    Scrub confronted Steven for a bump and motioned for him to get out of his car...though when Scrub wrecked was no big deal and a product of good hard racing..

    Hypocritical much there Scrub????

  21. I agree with you Tom P. It needs to be dropped and handled by the two people that were involved, or NASCAR officials if need be.  There is a lot of great people who belong to Jr. Nation, but just like with every driver, there are some bad apples. I hope the bad apples don't continue to make a**es of themselves at the race track.

    I am a Jr. fan, and I have never liked Kyle much. I don't hate him. I think he needs to mature and realize that if you are going to race the leader, ANY leader, than you need to have a good handle on your car. It's called respect.

    As for all the references to Dale Sr.....All I can say is that was a totally different era of NASCAR. He was not the only driver to do it at the time. Right now, Kyle is the only one who continually drives too aggresivly for a win. Wreckers or Checkers is his motto, and he has even said so.

  22. Sorry Tom P. but NO.  Can't stand that guy.  Not just because of Richmond but because he's an arrogant, ruthless jerk.  I have NEVER liked him.  Ya know I will say I almost felt for him after the crash Saturday night, he seemed sincere, heck almost human......then as is always Kyle Bush's style he had to go and ruin it.  He said "I'll drive over anyone to win"  then he was speaking ill about Junior's fan's "they kept telling me I was #1, kind of confusing since I was 2nd, must have been Junior's left over Bud fans"  Uggh!  I do hate that guy.  

    I will admit the guy has talent & he is really hot right now, but still I can't wait to see him get his ego crushed.

  23. Everyone wants to think that Jr is really angry inside and is holding a grudge but honestly he's okay with it. People like holding grudges and  they use everything they can think of to find a reason to hate a certain person and or driver. This is it. Kyle and Jr. got into each other and Jr. wrecked. He almost won. This track two years ago was his last victory. He was just heartbroken but more then anything disappointed and all that frustration is being used against Kyle Busch.

  24. It's not all about Dale Jr., the wreck that happened Sat night was a racing thing and since Jr didn't get the win I'm glad Clint Bowyer was there to take it.(I will pull for whoever can stay in front of Kyle Busch).  The dislike for Kyle Busch started back when he was on Hendrick's team, he's arrogant, reckless, and has absolutely no respect for any driver on the track.  He has said he will wreck anybody, anytime to gain a spot too many times before now for it to just be a Dale Jr "rabid" fan thing.

  25. How come when Dale Sr was driving like that, no one hated him??  Seems like double standards, most people are pissed off because of who he takes out, more than how many times he's done it.

  26. I don't hate Kyle Busch.  Is there a difference in Kyle's driving than Earnhardt Sr?  Some say Sr was a dirty driver.  Was it okay for Sr to do wreck other drivers but when Busch does it, it's different?  Similar driving?  I know Kyle can't be compared to Sr  but are their driving skills similar?

  27. It's not hate that I feel for Kyle, it's more like contempt. Yes, this weekend was truly a racing accident. Both parties were at fault and Jr got the raw end of the deal - it happens all the time in racing.

    My issue with Kyle Busch is his attitude and cocky demeanor. Just look at this past weekend. Here is a guy who said, right there on live TV, "I'll wreck as many cars as I have to." What about the incident with Steven Wallace on Friday during the Nationwide race? How many times has Kyle Busch bumped, pushed, or down-right wrecked a driver this season between the 3 top series? Hmmm? But as soon as one of these drivers gives him a little tap, he throws a fit like a child and acts like that's just the dirtiest thing that could happen on a race track. WHAT??? Now, not only is he reckless, cocky, and immature, but he has now added hypocritical to the growing list of things most people don't like about him.

    Like I said - I don't hate Kyle Busch, I just can't wait until the kid loses that enormous chip on his shoulder and suddenly matures to adulthood mentally. He is good for NASCAR - every sport has to have a villain, and Kyle has just taken that spot away from Jeff Gordon in the eyes of most fans.

  28. Ok Tom will do !

  29. I will stop hating him when starts driving with respect for other people. Steven Wallace just bumped him and that is racing. Him wrecking JR was not racing it was dirty underhanded c**p.

  30. the "Shrub" is doing all this to himself, his arrogance, attitude and no distinction of why he is the most hated driver....let Gibbs run the tapes of his driving and send him to Petty School for, enough said

  31. Like DW said, "That boy can go 3 wide all by himself".

    When Kyle learns to use his brain then we will not hate.

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