
Will everyone ride the segway if it becomes cheaper?

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is the segway going to become more popular once it becomes affordable for everyone?




  1. when china steals the idea and makes a segway for 49.99 , then stupid americans will buy one.

  2. Nah.  I've ridden one.  They're interesting toys, but I don't think they're as practical as a bicycle.  I'd rather ride a bike or walk.

    Compared to a bike, Segways are slower, they need to be recharged, they're heavy, they are hugely expensive compared to anything but the top-end bicycle, and they have complicated drive mechanisms that I'm sure are expensive to repair/replace.

  3. lol. No way. I'd rather walk. I'd get one and scoot from time to time though. Maybe chase my dogs- lol.

  4. No, in most cities you can't take them on the sidewalks and they aren't street legal. Besides, most people get irrationally angry when they see a Segway.

  5. Most people don't want to look like a dork while traveling down the sidewalk. I'd say no.

  6. It would depend on where you live and if it would be practical, if you live in a relatively suburban area with lots of foot traffic it might be ok, where I live, I have to drive to everything, there are no sidewalks out on the main roads and nothing is in walking distance, a Segway wouldn't be practical, but if you say live in NY City, Chicago, Downtown LA, then it might be more practical.

  7. NEVER!!!

  8. NO!

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