
Will evolution make man and woman equal in physical strength?

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Don't think I am ranting here....

As humans have evolved all through out the history both man and woman have come to this stage with their different physical abilities.

The "Evolution" is the (can be the) only reason that man is physically stronger than the woman. --> BECAUSE man did most of the hard work throughout the history.

BUT as now (in modern times) women are working as same as men do

they will be equally strong as men do in future....

Don't you think so?

Woman go to war, they do all sorts of sports, they give birth to babies, ..etc.

When will the fastest female athlete pass the fastest male ?

I don't think it is impossible as records are there to break...




  1. I don't believe in evolution so the answer would be no.

  2. I don't think it's impossible, but I would have to say that humans evolve much more slowly (if at all) than other species.  If humans still functioned on the principle of "Survival of the Fittest" it would be a different story.  But with technology and new medical discoveries many people who are "weaker" and would not have survived before live long, full lives and pass on their "weak" genes to the next generation.  We don't follow Darwin's theory of natural selection either - we choose mates for their money, their jobs, their attractiveness (which is not necessarily related to strength) and for a whole host of other strange reasons.  I do believe that someday a female athlete will break a world record set by a male, but it will be because she pushed herself, worked hard, and was given the opportunities to do it in a world where female athletes are accepted as equals to male athletes, not because she evolved into a superhuman.

  3. it is possible that more females will have equal strength with the average male over time if women exercise more and eat well. However it is also very likely that the strongest men will always be much stronger than the strongest women due to muscle mass and testosterone. Of course women can take steroids to increase their muscle mass, but most women will not do that. I would say that rather than achieving physical strength parity with males, most females will simply achieve financial strength parity and is enough to make society fairer.

  4. If women get stronger, they will have stronger baby boys.

    As long as women are "women" they will have ovaries, uterus, b*****s, fatty thighs and butts, etc.

    What you are saying is that women will become men because they do the same activities as men. If so, they won't be women anymore!

    You might as well predict the extinction of females as they become males. But if that happens then humanity will die.

    No. It can never happen.

  5. It will never happen.

    Don't you think so?


    When will the fastest female athlete pass the fastest male ?


  6. You are missing the obvious. Women are moving toward superior physical ability as is found with the black widow spider.

    See the blog:

  7. You are right: The gap in quite a number of sports disciplines is narrowing remarkably, and the question is not, if, but when women will catch up with men to set up new records.

    I often asked myself if changing occupations of men and women in modern times (less physical demands in traditional male professions, and - on the other hand - more women working in traditional male occupations) could have any consequences for the development of physical strength. Also, more girls and women are exercising competitive sports today. Will it happen that female teams will win over male teams in a soccer competition?

    I am not sure if typically male occupations (demanding more physical strength) for women will lead to an increased production of testosterone.  If so, changing roles and activities of men and women may in the long run well lead to an equalization in physical strength.

    Will women become more masculine while men are becoming more feminine?

    In addition, a woman can well compensate a man´s physical strength by strong confidence and assertiveness.  And physical strength is not only a matter of capability for the moment, but also a matter of endurance. In this respect women are mostly outperforming their male counterparts.

    As a result, equal strength of both sexes would cause a remarkable shift of power. It is possible that women will successfully continue to turn the tables.  I am not scared of it as far as this does not lead to more aggression, but will help to reduce it.

  8. NO there you go .

    In industries i have worked in that have been labour intensive on boats woman have ut worked men. Dose that make them stronger i don't know but i liked them

  9. Some people are soooo narrow minded. Accept the difference between Male and Female, and get over it. We both have our strong and weak points. Always will.

  10. It seems as though people, particularly females, are getting larger. Compare the average size (I'm not just talking about the weight epidemic in our country, but in general - height, bone structure) of a person now to maybe 100 years ago, and it has gone up.

    Some people think its because they started using hormones, steroids, fertilizers, etc. in our foods.  

  11. It all boils down to what is s**y.

    Present the average guy on the street with the following two options:

    1) s*x with a cute, petite, slim woman who is pretty and nicely endowed

    2) s*x with a large 400lb scary looking lady shot putter.

    Blokes will go for 1) every time.

    This is why women aren't going to get bigger and stronger than blokes any time soon.


    PS - Sorry, to any of you shot putters, out there.

  12. With respect to Evolutionary Theory, per se, the "supremacy" of one gender over the other was never addressed as it was immaterial.

    Only modern Feminism takes a stand on this notion that Females are inherently better and thus males must be eradicated.   This is in defiance of Evolutionary Theory and we really don't have too many examples of this in zoology.  The destruction of a gender for no selective advantage makes no sense Evolutionarily speaking and can only be a machination of Feminism.

  13. I think people have probably evolved over the years. The average measurments show that people have gotton taller, bigger set since a hundered or few hundred years ago. A lot of it probably has to do with it being socially acceptable for women to do physical work/activites.  

  14. No.  Evolution is a theory abandoned by the main stream science community years ago.  You just won't hear about it because the media likes to hang on to controversial ideas.  It gets ratings.

    Best Wishes


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