
Will ex regret losing me?

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i all,

i ended things with my ex back in january..we were together for 2 years on and off...he now has a girlfriend and while he was going out with her he would still call i had to cut contact with him calling me made it worse...and it hurt...i finally realized that its completely over with and even though im over it i still wonder what he is up to or if hes still with that girl?? i dont even want him back...i just want him to regret losing a girl like you think he will ever regret losing me?? ive been nothing but a great girl to him and i loved him and tried to make the relationship work but he wouldnt put any effort in it...i need some answers here..thanks




  1. hes just a guy and so if you broke up with him hes just gonna think whatever and move on

    he moved on and found another girl and probly likes her a lot more than you

    so he probly wont regret it because he found a new person

  2. No, I don't think that he would regret losing you. He will miss you and what you two had. He already moved on with another and believe me that she will not be the last.  Another thing, why wonder what he is up to or still with the other female. You seem to be unsure of your feelings. LET IT GO! Enjoy your life!

  3. he will only have regrets if he gets his heart broken and life does not treat him well. he will only regret if he matures, and is able to realize things he caused. but i think for the most part, people like this may realize from time to time they made mistakes, but won't admit to it or show any remorse to the person they hurt.

  4. Gee, not knowing you or him, I don't think this is the place to get a valid answer about his regrets now or later. Unless the relationship was really bad -- and that doesn't sound the case here - ex-partners will inevitably have some regrets, a moment when perhaps the new mate doesn't quite measure up to the former. Or something triggered by hearing a melody you foks used to listen to together.

    But thinking about his thinking is a trap, one that can rob you of joy that is waiting just around the corner, perhaps. It may sound easy to say, "move on, girl" but an old f**t like me has done that enough times to have the credentials to say just that.

    Take some joy (and self-confidence) in the soulfulness you had with your ex and then, well, go around that next corner. As Bill Parrish, the dying publisher in "Meet Joe Black" advised his daughter, "lightning may strike!"

  5. there is that chance he might...

    but most likely he REALLY misses YOU in GENERAL

    he prob misses having you around and spending time with a friend...maybe he never intended on loosing the friendship as well...

    he prob didn't realize the effects of everything ending until after when it was too late.

    maybe he had no clue he was going to lose you(friend and or more) and it prob hit him really hard after he understood..maybe it was just the letting go and learning thats the way things would be.he prob had a hard time with that at first(maybe he still regrets now?)

    maybe he was just worried about you still and was trying to see how you were because TRUST ME, that bond doesn't just simply EVAPORATE it takes serious time and change(of people,situations, and things) to do that.

    i wouldn't wish regret and pain on him though, he prob does already(although you may not see it)

    he prob notices his mistakes and how he went about things, it prob made him think

    i think that even though you say your over him...wondering what hes up to and if he's still with her maybe means you have some hidden feelings for him your not even aware of, or you have a bit of regret(but not enough to want him back completely or do anything about it)

    OR most likely it means in general you miss him to...his friendship, having him around,or you care about him still as a friend.

    try talking to him, casually, as his friend,talk to him find out how he is and still try and get along with him.

    maybe just some simple brief casual conversation will be enough

    maybe he just needs to know you don't despise him or something.

    that might ease some of your guilt(&worry?)(and maybe make him feel better too) you don't have to try and start up a relationship again with him if you don't want,or anything like that.

    but i think being friends, whether its good friends of just acquaintances will make you both feel a little better

    (trust me with my issue (10 months ago): i was friends with someone,fell in love with him,sorta went out, there were some fights and major misunderstandings, and when he tried to come back and apologize and fix things up between us i was COMPLETELY clueless and ended up hurting and scaring him more without even realizing it,then there was about9 months of complete separation and after a while we tried being friends again and fixing the past instead of letting it simmer(both of us ended up having several regrets in many areas although we weren't completely aware of it)..then next thing i know were bffs again(we bonded over some issues each other was going though and we had that better understanding of each other and we learned...A LOT) :D now we're going out again(like 10-11 months later)

    just goes to show you you may never know whats going on behind the scenes and it doesn't hurt to find out :)

    just try and talk to him,you might really find it helps :)

    hope this helps a bit :)

  6. You will find someone better

  7. Eventually, he will regret losing a girl like you. He's missing out big time for the most part. If he couldn't see the positive values of you and your life, you didn't need him anyways. You will find someone better that will treat you right all the time---the love will be unconditional.

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