I'm in default on a student loan payment. Their collection agency has now garnished my wages. The reason I'm currently unable to pay the full amount that they're wanting me to is because I'm also trying to get out of credit card debt. Once that's done, paying what they're asking will be a breeze.
My question is....will their garnishing my wages keep them at bay from taking further action against me (such as taking my car, or my furniture) until I'm able to make full payments to them? I'm looking at anywhere from 6 months to a year to get out of credit card debt. Or is it inevitable that they'll also take my car? They didn't tell me they were going to garnish my wages, so I don't expect them to tell me if they take my car either.
They've also taken my tax refund. Will they also take the economic stimulus payment? I really hope not because I'm counting on that to take a big chunk out of my credit card debt. Thanks for any help.