
Will gas be the same as water?

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Why when we have a drought, everyone tells us the conserver water ( I understand that part), when we do and the drought is over the water company says we conserved to good and now they have to raise the water rates up because we did a job at coervering, do you think the gas companies are doing the same thing, so even if the price of oil goes down, they can cry we conserver to good so they can keep the high prices?





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  2. No, they are totally different.  Water is a renewable resource.  We get as much rain as the earth gives us.  if we don't have enough, we can go to other sources.  We can never run out of water.  

    Gas requires drilling and refining.  There is X amount.  When it's gone, it's gone.

  3. I understand what you're saying, and it's a point worth making--but I don't think it really matters, because we have to conserve either way.  It's no longer just about how much the companies are going to charge us.  We have to conserve because we have to conserve, because it's the right thing to do.

  4. the difference between water and gas right now is that gas is not in a shortage

  5. gas is not same as water. we have a water cycle. water evaporates and comes back as rain, snow, moisture ... when we use gas the CO2 we generate is never going to come back as gas. we have fixed supply of gas in our earth whereas water supply can be changed by cycles and also all the water in ocean can be desalinated easily nowadays economically. we are asked to conserve water so we dont have to take extra steps later to solve troubles created by us.

    people and all living beings have been using water for thousands of years. we are not running out of water. but we started using gas only tens of years and already we are experiencing shortage.

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