
Will gas ever go down to a dollar a gallon again?

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Will gas ever go down to a dollar a gallon again?




  1. no,the goverment are way to greedy so it will just go up.

  2. Check out these gas prices from around the world:

    Wouldn't it be nice to only pay 19 cents a gallon?  I read in a different article that Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and some other countries around the world keep their gas prices so low because its made by government owned companies and the government keeps the prices low to benefit the locals.  I really don't think the US Government would be that nice to us though.

    Anywho, gas prices in the US will definitely never reach $1 again.  State and Federal Taxes alone cost around 50 cents (I heard this a little over a year ago, so it may be a little more or a little less).  And if you compare that to other countries around the world, the US actually isn't bad at all.  I read an article on MSN less than a month ago that said that over 70% of the price of gas in some European countries (over $6/gallon) was just in taxes alone.

    Another thing is that everybody knows that we are willing to pay $3 or so in gas, so nobody in their right mind would ever consider dropping the price anywhere near $1 when they know that they can make 3 times that amount with ease.

  3. nope

  4. No

  5. Dunno.

    When President Bush approved drilling on American soil (Anwar, Alaska), the democratically controlled congress shut him down immediately.

    That's when the price began to climb to it's current price.

    There's more oil underneath Colorado than in all of Saudi Arabia (or so I've heard).  The trouble is that it's oil shale.  A very difficult reserve to pump oil from.  

    But the technology to access oil shale is now available, and I've heard, will greatly reduce the cost of oil products as well as gasoline.

    But to get prices down to a buck a gallon, drilling on Alaska's north slope has to resume.

    None of this is going to happen soon enough to make my vacation cheaper, but it may help in a year or two.

    That's why Iran's Ahmadinijad won't have the initiative very long.  If they don't rock the boat soon, they'll be hung out to dry for good.


  6. I hope not.  I think that is one of the main problems in America, cheap oil.  I think gas should go up to like 5 dollars a gallon, then the American economy will have to rely on more domestic products instead of foreign products.  People need to realize that the end of gas is not far away, and people need to stop consuming as much as they do.

  7. No. Gasoline is too rare. Unless we start using some alternatives, the gas prices will continue to go up.

  8. It be a cold day in purgatory before that happens

  9. Indexed to inflation, sure.  On an absolute level, probably not.

  10. Only in our dreams.It has not been at $1.00 since the Early 80's.The economy is alot worse now and it is only going to keep getting worse,So we are just going to have to bite the bullet and pay higher gas prices.

  11. No. We are lucky it is still under 3 in most places.

  12. probably never. Where is that genious to invent cars that run with water?. I need It.

  13. No, gas has never been under a dollar in real dollar terms.   In the 1980s, it was under one dollar back then, but that would be over $2 in today's money when accounting for inflation.

  14. no never now

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