
Will gas prices affect the consumer mentality of our society?

by Guest10933  |  earlier

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People are complaining a lot about the prices, as we all know, but I continue to see all kinds of over sized SUVs and trucks on the road. And I know a lot of people don't even use their big pick up trucks, but seem to think they are some sort of necessity. Then there are the people driving those big white Cadillac SUVs, that serve absolutely no function other than as a social icon.

So when will the rise of gas prices, coupled with the slow economy finally effect some sort of change, big or small, in the materialistic fixation we have in the U.S.? Will it ever? And if not, what will be the consequences?

If people would just buy a smaller, more efficient car, they'd be paying MUCH less for gas, but instead they just continue to drive what they feel they 'need,' and hope gas prices will go down when I think it should be clear that they aren't going to.

Can a society like this even overcome such a problem?




  1. The Toyota plant in San Antonio was making 1400 trucks a day, but cut it down to 500 trucks, so you can see a dramatic decrease.  In San Antonio, we are known to have big trucks and I can see many people complaining, but it is mostly because we live out in the country and do many jobs and work around the house.  

    But of course some people are ignorant because the retail price of trucks are going down and they end up buying a gas guzzler which they should have never brought in the first place.  

    Sadly, Gas is a drain on the economy and mostly on us.

  2. We should not have to worry about what we drive because there is no reason for the gas to be this high and its going higher by July it will be 5$ a gallon is what being predicted no reason for it at all just the gov taking all are hard worked for money

  3. people that are driving the big new suv's are making enough money that price of gas doesnt bother them.I own a pickup truck and dont intend on trading it in because i use it as a truck .You cant cut your own firewood and haul it home in a prius

  4. Higher gas prices will ultimately effect a change in consumer sentiment, but not by changing consumer preferences. The SUVs will continue to sell, however, you will see a lot less traveling.

    The U.S. is so driven by status symbols that people will ultimately persue image over financial security - as witnessed by Americans' over reliance on credit, and the recent sub-prime housing crash....Americans love buying what they can't afford now.

    This will be no different as gas prices start to rise.

    What you will see, however, is a change in other behavior. Less traveling, and less purchases else where.

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