
Will gas prices be coming down anytime soon or it going to get worse?

by Guest44829  |  earlier

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I really feel for the trucking companies that depend on it.




  1. Until petroleum is not longer the main fuel source, it is going to get worse.

    Invest in a good bicycle.

  2. I feel for all of us who depend on it for work!  Not only do the truckers feel the pinch but so do companies that require vehicles to do work as well, like landscapers, builders, cleaning companies, newspaper deliveries, UPS, Fed-Ex   -   to name a few.

    I saw $3.79/gal this morning on my way into work ~ ugh!

  3. wich gas you are saying ,  lot of gas prize down last week r12 r134 r 22 co2 plz clear your qus wich gas you need

  4. worse, you'll have to deal with it.

  5. I've heard they would go much higher, no matter if we get it from outside the country or from our own South.....!!

    Time to Park Those Gas-Guzzlers....!!

    Next Step:  Will 'past History' repeat....??

    55 mile Speed Limit....??

  6. Supply and demand. The more we need the more expensive it is. So you tell me, if everyone suddenly doesn't want gas I guarantee it will go down.

  7. getting worst..we are being limited so the gas price is only gonna rise

  8. unfortunately it is going to get worse before it gets better. they say prices may come down for Memorial Day to get people to travel and spend money, but by summer it could be up to $5.00 a gallon

  9. might go up, in november might go down

  10. Unfortunately I think they will continue to rise for most of the summer and maybe level off and go down slightly in the fall. Typically American drive the most in the summer months which reduced the supply of gas and increased the demand which can only drive prices higher. With a barrel of oil at $125 experts think the gas is lower than what it should be for the price of oil. Without any major supply increases or dramatic decrease in oil consumption we can only expect to see gas continuing to climb.

  11. probably worse because they are finding more oil in these countrys and gas pricies are skirocketing

  12. Do you know what the trade deficit will be in the next months? Do you know what that will do to the dollar? Guess what, it will go down further and cause oil to go higher against the dollar. So it is going to get worse. And the idiots at the car companies are clueless at what is coming. They are still selling the hugh SUV's. WHen will they realize we need cars that get 40, 50 or 60 MPG! Why do they keep selling gas guzzlers. I went to dealerships and all I saw was gas guzzlers. Not much choice for high mileage cars. Why?

  13. They claim we'll get a break after memorial day. We'll just have to wait and see. and see how long it will last. LOL

  14. I remember hearing somewhere that gas prices are supposed to get up to $6.00/gallon to equal what they were paying in the 1970s.  You know, it's all based on average family incomes, the minimum wage, etc...

  15. It may come down a little bit but I have a feeling its going to be high for a while. I'm hoping once we get Bush out of office the cost of gas will go down.

  16. Haaaaaa that's funny - come down?   I seriously doubt it - we are already freaking over how we are going to afford to heat our home this winter.

    Bush is supposed to talk to Saudi's again about increasing production to lower prices but I doubt anything will come of it.

  17. Sorry to say it but they are going to get wore. Around 4.00 worse. We will never see 2.00 again.

  18. It might comes down in holiday, because bush might accept gas tax cut for short period.

  19. Its going to get worse.  Summer is coming and gas prices always go up because people go on vacation.

  20. It will get worse in the long run.  It might drop a little, but then it will go back up. And it is going to stay up above $3.00 a gallon for a long, long time.

  21. Up and  Worse so think  about that every time you see some kid driveing around in his big suv or hummer.

  22. With the current futures price of 124.43 for crude oil and 317.41 for gasoline, don't expect the price of gasoline to come down any time soon.

    By the way, the government does not set the oil prices, not even the president.

    The current prices have nothing to do with supply and demand.  It is greed.  Here's why.

    We as consumers can only effect the demand to a certain extent.  We still need to go to work, buy groceries, go to the doctor, etc.  Many of us have already cut down the amount we drive.

    But the big oil companies definitely have control over the demand.  Any time they want more money, they just throttle back the supply some.  They always seem to have a reason,a refinery shut sown, weather, , speculators, the consumers drive too much, someone set off a firecracker near an oil field somewhere in ht e middle east.  it doesn't take much.  But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on.  Just look at the firs quarter profits for the oil companies.  It is pure greed.  What fixed this in the 70's was a windfall profit tax on the oil companies.  We need to bring this back ASAP!

  23. well, its pretty obvious that its gonna get worse, the only way it will go down is if we all(as a nation)convert 2 muslims an embrace the islamic lifestyles and become friends w/the middle east.

  24. I see it getting worse... i hate gas!!!!!!!!! lol

  25. It will only go for the worse, except if world peace come.

  26. Prices will continue to climb.  You can check to see who has the best gas price in your area.

  27. worse- they spike on memorial day weekend and they go higher than that price during the summer months. It's sad, I know. :(

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