
Will gas prices be going down anytime soon?

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Will gas prices be going down anytime soon?




  1. NO!

  2. I don't know.

    But I sure hope so!!

  3. Hi this Counselor,

    I live in Pennsylvania and have been a Vol. Firefighter for over 9 years. So recently my Fire Dept. got a letter from a government agency stating that by Labor Day gas prices should be between 9- 10 dollars a gal.

    We get frequent reports on the Weather, Terrorist, Fuel, and things of that nature so we can form plans and guidelines.

    Good Luck Everyone,


  4. [{(" IN YOUR DREAMS")}]

  5. maybe a little followed by another record high. i think that government report of gas peaking at 4.15 is BS. how do they know what it will peak at? i tend to believe in the peak oil theory myself. i do believe food prices may be going much much higher soon.

  6. nope!

    lyk the guy above me says, gas is going to reach the 9 to 10 dollar range.. what is going to happen after that... we dont know... hopefully it goes down bak to 1 something.. which i highly think its not....

  7. The U.S. Government just released that gas prices will hit their peak at $4.15 a gallon by August, then maybe come down in price to $3.87 this fall.

    Note: They also said food prices will increase dramatically due to the floods in the Midwest effecting the corn crop.

    (corn is used for animal feed, meat and poultry, corn sweetener for the soft drink industry)

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