
Will gas prices ever go below $3. per gallon again?

by  |  earlier

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i mean we're heading towards $5 but is it just gonna stay this way from now on or will we ever get it below $3 again and if not why?




  1. Yes if your paying in gold or silver .

  2. No, not ever again.

  3. Nope i don think so ma. gas prices are rediculous and as messed up as our economy is, i doubt it!

  4. Maybe, but it will not stay there. The US is still the largest user (25% of the world consumption) and if we change our life style and cars to more efficient ones faster than China and other countries increase their usage world demand will fall. Supplies will increase somewhat because   production will come  from more expensive oil to produce that was not developed when oil was $20 dollars a barrel. Also part of the reason for the current high price is trouble in the middle east which may diminish.

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